From the Blog

Loss Functions in Audio ML

With modern specialized computing power, neural networks that generate audio are more commonplace. Training these with backpropagation requires a loss function that can take two audio representations – a model’s current best guess and the true target sound – and compute a similarity score with differentiable functions.

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3 Ways to Classify Drum Sounds

Drums libraries have been one of the most important developments in digital music production. We’re no longer restricted to the stock sounds that come with drum machines, allowing for more room to develop a unique sound. We’ve seen a surge in free drum kits on the web, and there’s an ever-growing list of digital audio workstations with which to use them.

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Album Split

Sometimes vinyl enthusiasts, audio engineers, and music archivists work with audio files of full album recordings. While it’s possible to split these into individual track files manually using DAWs and editing software like Audacity, it’s often a time-consuming process. Introducing Album Split, freeware available for macOS on the app store.

Download on the Mac App Store

Album Split results screen

Step 1) Upload or drag and drop your album file. For now, .mp3 .mp4 .wav .m4a .aac .ac3 .aiff .caf .snd .au are all supported.

Step 2) Album Split analyzes the file and intelligently looks for moments of silence that can indicate track boundaries. Preview these boundaries to make sure they are correct, and label each track.

Step 3) Click export, and Album Split will write new files using the detected track boundaries.

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